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In this project we have had to create our sea house.
My opinion is that this project has been a lot of fun.


Pilgrim: Lorena

Give directions: Patricia

L: Sorry to bother you, could you tell me the easiest way to the hospital?

P: Of course, no problem! Keep going straight antil you arrive to the shopping center, turn right and keep walking. You'll see.

L: And any pharmacy?

P: I think there is near the hospital I'm not sure, so ask there.

L: Thank you.

P:  No problem, bye.

In this project we had to do a dialogue in pairs, in which a pilgrim asked a person from there where certain places were.
My opinion is that I didn't like it at all, because making a dialogue is not fun.

Visual thinking future

In this project we have made a visual thinking about the future will and going to.
My opinion is that I liked it, because it is a creative way to learn.

Vídeo Ámbito

In this ámbito project, we had to make a video in English with Spanish subtitles, my groupmates were Ander, Hugo and Ruth.
My opinion is that I didn't like it, because there are some colleagues in the group who haven't done anything.

My sea house

Writing Pirate

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